Feed your primal body

This digestive reset will help you cut through the noise and get the support you need to heal digestive imbalances and address the root cause of hormonal health issues. Hormonal resilience is the ability to maintain hormonal vitality in a world that generally doesn’t honor your primal body needs. Diet and digestive health are the roots that allow your body to thrive regardless. This is an easy to follow 4 week, anti-inflammatory diet alongside simple changes and practices to support digestion and hormonal health. It may challenge you to make some changes but it’s very accessible and you’ll have the support you need along the way. It can be adapted to meet different lifestyles and dietary needs, especially if you already know you have sensitivities or allergies to certain foods! Typically, I do recommend and encourage consuming animal products (you’ll learn why during the course!); however, it can be adapted for a vegetarian lifestyle.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • START HERE: Important course information

    • Reset Overview

    • Hormonal Resilience Sample Grocery List

    • Hormonal Resilience Recipe Guide and Meal Ideas

    • Call One Spring 2023

  • 2

    Reset Week 1: Boundaries

    • Week 1 Check In

    • Batch Cooking, Feeding a Family and Meal Prep

    • Supporting Your Body through Cravings and Detox

  • 3

    Reset Week 2: Nourishment

    • Week 2 Check In

    • Fats + Hormones

    • Microbiome Basics

    • Call 2 Spring 2023

  • 4

    Reset Week 3: Natural Detox

    • Week 3 Check In

    • Blood Sugar Regulation

    • Foods for Estrogen Elimination

  • 5

    Reset Week 4: Trust Your Gut

    • Week 4 Check In

    • Digesting Emotion + Integrating Life

    • Re-Introducing Foods

    • Call 3 Spring 2023

  • 6

    Integration + Bonuses

    • Completion!

    • Digestion According to Chinese Medicine

    • Eating Seasonally according to Chinese Medicine

    • Acupressure and Moxibustion for Digestion

    • Resources

What others are saying about the Digestive Reset


Amélie S.

“Thank you SO much Kristin for the Digestive Reset. Your knowledge and generosity in sharing it is invaluable. I felt guided all along the way. It was a safe "place" to be, even if we were thousands of kilometers apart! The Digestive Reset planted seeds of change in my way of seeing food and myself. I am forever grateful and will follow the reset again at another time. Price for value is amazing.”

So Helpful

Whitney U

"It’s been so helpful. I had the easiest period I’ve had in a while (even before steaming, just from the food shifts!).”


Kelly H.

"Kristins digestive reset course was amazing for many reasons. I found the format to be easy to follow and loved that I could print and keep all the information for a later time. The meditations and unity of the group were also such a wonderful part of the course. We had space to lean on one another for support and I loved hearing others experiences and recipe ideas!"

I got so much out of this course!

Sarrah C.

“I got so much out of this course! It helped me reset, lose weight and decrease inflammation. Plus it supported the emotional ties I have with food too. And it was so much easier doing it with a group.”

Much more balanced and nourished

Tawny S.

“Kristin’s hormonal reset came just at the right time for me this fall in the helpful way I so yearned for. Her thorough program was accessible and effective. I enjoyed learning more about the hormonal system and learning recipes that help support it. After the reset I felt much more balanced and nourished, which for me is just how I want to enter the holy days of winter. I also experienced much more mild menstrual cycles after the reset. I felt reset! Thank you Kristin for putting this lovely program together for women!”

Start your reset now!


  • Alright, give it to me straight, what do I have to give up during this reset?

    You don’t have to do anything! Truly, this is an invitation and while most find it easy to give up inflammatory foods, you can always choose to keep something in your diet if you know it works for you. I recommend eliminating the following during the 4 week reset: refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, industrialized meat products, corn, soy, gluten grains, dairy and all processed foods.

  • How long will I have access to the material?

    The material will be available on Thinkific for 60 days from the date of purchase and you can download all material during the time. You’ll have lifetime access to the FB group.

  • Do I have to purchase anything additional to complete the reset?

    Beyond buying food, you don’t have to, but there is the option to follow certain supplement recommendations. I realize food accessibility is an issue with racial and economical implications. While I encourage buying local and organic when possible, I realize that might not be an option for everyone and you are most welcome here regardless.

  • How much time will be required for cooking?

    That’s a really individual question because you could use this time to experiment with new recipes and cook with your children (if you have any!) and in that case you’ll spend more time cooking than you may be used to. However, if you’re short on time, this is still do-able with some foresight and preparation. I want you to succeed in whatever your intention for joining is and I strive to set you up for just that.

  • I’m pregnant, is this for me?

    It could be! Pregnancy is a time to focus on nutrient dense foods, blood sugar regulation and microbiome health, which is all addressed during the reset. This is definitely safe for pregnancy but please check in with me (or your healthcare provider) about supplements.

Hi, I'm Kristin

and I’ll be your guide. I created this course because I know the importance of addressing womb and hormonal health issues at the root level of digestion. The emerging science of the microbiome is revealing what ancient healing traditions have always known: the gut matters most. It’s the landscape that determines hormonal resilience and thriving. It directly affects how we feel emotionally and physically, how we relate sexually (to self or others), how robust our overall system is and so much more.